
Quotes from the Visitors’ Book - August 2007 & 2009

  • Awesome, should have this every year. J.K.
  • Thank you for including us... a great opportunity for our community,” Fahima Haidari, Afghan Consultant

  • Congratulations for all those who contributed to and organised this wonderful collection….. It helps us appreciate and understand the rich multi cultural world we live in and should promote international understanding and peace…. C & N Lewis
  • Amazing. It’s so interesting. The Tufferys

  • Awesome exhibition. Great that you can use the senses of touch, smell and taste. My little girl really enjoyed it. Cheers Pataka. Trish and Emilla

  • Great show. Marvellous idea. Having 12-year-old grandchildren adopted in Russia at 4 months, it’s great to read more about the cooking, recipes, and spices. Thanks for give-away recipes and sharing their culture. E Madle

  • A wonderful initiative on the part of Pataka – education is the key to understanding & tolerance. Thank you for allowing our new settlers to speak for themselves!

  • I am so impressed at the mixing of different cultures and their approach to food. Christchurch would benefit hugely from such an exhibition. How to break down barriers. Loved it. E Russell, Christchurch

  • This is what the world is about – all different peoples. Sister Francesca, St Joseph’s, Wanganui

  • Great start to our Migrating Kitchen Unit. Students were very interested and totally engaged in the tasks that were set. Well resourced and displayed exhibition. Thanks. Cardinal McKeefry School

  • What a wonderful informative and educational exhibition! Kia Kaha. L Pomare

  • 2DAE WAZ Quite unusual Ive neva cen so many different culturez. Very very interesting. I am hungry must go hunt sum food. Arana, Rotorua

  • This is a magnificent event. As a new New Zealander we would like to share our backhome tradition with kiwis. – an excellent event. M Mohamed

  • Wonderful exhibition – loved the videos. N Riddiford
  • I had the opportunity to see and touch things I’d only seen on TV before i.e. cane sugar. JN

  • Great set out, spicy recipes. For me I’ll stick to NZ salads, a Maori boil up and Huhu grubs!

  • Dear Sponsors, thanks to your generosity – an ethnic culinary delight/awareness has been introduced to the community. EK

  • The thought behind setting up the displays and the presentations first class – thankyou. P Isaacs

  • I have waited 30 years for a recipe for pagi paupau – it’s the coconut buns. They are just so yummy. How about having some test-tasting or small samples to purchase…..Thankyou for this wonderful exhibit and to all those who took time to make up recipes and displays. DB

  • Loved your exhibition. Am visiting from Auckland and hope you will tour it. Congrats to all the community groups and volunteers

  • Am visiting from Hawkes Bay and it definitely lived up to the Dominion Post flyer.

  • Please repeat the exhibition in Christchurch. Have taken some recipes to try. B & C

  • Love how the multicultural nation of NZ is finally recognised. Great children interaction – loved how they can smell and touch the food.

  • Tena koutou katoa. What an amazing idea and how cleverly set out to make it so accessible. Love those recipes. G Rikihana

  • Love the concept of The Migrating Kitchen exhibition and what Pataka offers. Pataka – food store of my tupuna. May we all live in peace. Rangi ,marie. RR

  • Kids enjoyed grinding and smelling. Brilliant.

  • Sofia enjoyed the stick-together fruit. Sofia didn’t want to leave. Sofia is 2. Emily

  • It was great. I like food. I am from Jordon….next time call me! M

  • It’s beautiful, informative as well. Many thanks to Juliette Florist also – the flowers add that special touch. Congratulations it’s a winner. R Somogyvary

  • Bloody brilliant. Amazing how similar ingredients so many different cultures have. Melbourne Oz 2007

  • This is a magnificent event. As a new New Zealander we would like to share our backhome tradition with kiwis. – an excellent event. M Mohamed

  • I really enjoyed the Somalia kitchen presentation. It was a good balance of discovering about food, culture and the Muslim experience in NZ. Food opens the mind!

  • This is very nice because I’m Muslim.

  • As tutor to a class learning English it was a very useful resource. It was an opportunity for them to share their own culture but they do also enjoyed learning about the other cultures represented. Thank you!