The Zimbabwean Community were the first "at the kitchen table". They showcased their cooking on Saturday 8 August to a crowd of around 70 people sitting and standing around the gallery and in the spine at Pataka.
Front row seats started filling at 1.30pm. A regular guest from 2007 returned to take her place in the front row soon after 1.30pm. When recognised by curator, Jennifer, who welcomed her, the response was "I'll be here every Saturday again this time - wouldn't miss it!" Guests were able to watch Fugisai, helped by several others in the community, prepare and cook sadza, beef stew, bean stew, satay rice and satay spinach. There were second helpings all around... Biltong was also offered for tasting. Recipes for the dishes presented are available to take away from the gallery. Questions from the floor were not only on cooking tips, "how much peanut butter do you add?" but also touched on political and historical topics. Laughter erupted to Pambi's explanation of how Shona is the most widely spoken tribal language: "we went north to bring their Shona women back so we had to speak their language" (he's from Matabeleland in the south). Zimbabwean metal jewellery, stone animals sold on Sunday to many visitors; there are still some sample pieces on display in their kitchen area. Further purchases can be made directly through the Zimbabwean Coordinator. |
2009 Exhibition >