The Migrating Kitchen Trust

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Russia Week

The exhibition at Te Manawa is now over. There's been some delicious Bhutanese,ZimbabweanFilipinoFrenchRussian and Cook Islands  cooking (see their pages for the photos and reports). Â

On Monday Mana Transport arrive to collect the set and props from Te Manawa to return them to storage.

A very big thank you to all the communities, to the sponsors (check them out on the sponsor page) and visitors who've taken part.

Migrating Kitchen Exhibition 2012
March 30 March 2012 until 11 May
Open 10 am-5 pm weekdays

Te Manawa Gallery - 326 Main Street, Palmerston North

Exhibition coordinator:Christine Coles

Please support ourÂ

Migrating Kitchen 2012 Exhibition Launches

Te Manawa's McDiarmid Gallery has been transformed into a blaze of colour, smell and sound as six local communities prepare to open their kitchens in The Migrating Kitchen Exhibition.

Bhutan   Dorcas and Joan, the Zimbabwean community with flag and Christine Coles,   Palmerston North facilitator    Dorcas Shumba holding her mother's favourite recipe (Dorcas rang her mother in Zimbabwe to check she remembered it correctly!)

Amongst their personal belongings on loan are some treasures to be discovered - a dog-eared family exercise book with spindly French handwriting reveals recipes from 1906; copies of a Zimbabwean mother's stew recipe to take away (her daughter phoned Zimbabwe just to check she could pass it on and had it correct the way her mother made it).  Then there's the hand painted dinner set from Russia; traditional cooking implements guarded by Bhutanese families through refugee camps, now used in Palmerston North; Filipino sweets to savour and colourful Cook Island material to feast the eyes on.

The Migrating Kitchen exhibition celebrates festivals, fashion and food with local multicultural communities - and this year the exhibition comes to Palmerston North - to Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and History.

The support shown for the concept by local communities and businesses is evidence of the multi-cultural community that is at the heart of Palmerston North say the curators.

Sofia Shaw, Russian co-ordinator with the special board she's made for the kitchen   Seen at the Zimbabwean kitchen: from Te Manawa - Joanna, senior curator and   Brent from the Exhibitions team; from Migrating Kitchen Trust - Christine, the   Palmerston North   No'orangi Puleosi, Cook Island coordinator and friend starting their kitchen set up  Chuda's son being dressed in Bhutanese national costume in preparation for the opening.

Every weekend one community commandeers the big kitchen table and the gallery is packed for the entertainment and the food. Recipes are given away in each ‘kitchen’, DVDs play above each kitchen bench and kids enjoy grinding the spices and crushing the herbs.

Starting this Saturday and for the next week, come and sample a small part of Bhutan- taste the curry, try making cell roti, roll your tongue around Nepali greetings or make pickle without cooking. There's something for everyone. Â And that's only the first week of a six-week celebration.

It’s fun, vibrant and a great way to get to know your neighbours.

Meriam Findlay, Filipino coordinator with Philippines map - over 7000 islands in the country! Â Â Tony Rasmussen, Te Manawa curator and Jackie Lequin looking at a precious   family handwritten French recipe book from 1906. Â Â Chuda Ghimirey, Bhutanese coordinator checking the spices in their kitchen

Enjoy a range of FREE events celebrating local communities. All events take place in the exhibition space on the first floor at Te Manawa unless specified.Â

Kitchens Migrate to Palmerston North

Bhutanese, Filipino, Russian, Cook Island, Zimbabwean &  French communities  - Sharing Food Sharing Culture

The Migrating Kitchen’s celebration has become a bi-annual feature at Poriruas Pataka Museum, but in April and May another Migrating Kitchen event is happening at Te Manawa Museum in Palmerston North. It’s a first for the Manawatu and the first time the event has been staged out of Wellington, but the support of The Migrating Kitchen Trust and enthusiasm of a local committee have ensured it’s off to a good start. The Trust has even migrated its kitchen north for the event!

Palmerston North City Council creative communities grants awards. Front row centre: Migrating Kitchen PN co-ordinator, Christine Coles, and Nirmala Nand, President of Multi-Ethnic Council, PN

Our event kicks off on March 30 with a get-together for all the participating communities. Guest speaker is Tony Simpson the well-known researcher and presenter on New Zealand food and its origins, author of ‘A Distant Feast’. The celebration will be formally opened by City Councillor Tangi Utikere and there will be performances and food platters to set the tone for the following six weeks.

Next day, Saturday 31 March, the event opens to the public. First community to take over the migrated kitchen and display space for a week will be the Bhutanese, who begin their cultural celebration with a cooking demonstration (starts 2 pm). In subsequent weeks the local communities taking centre stage will be from Zimbabwe, the Philippines,France,Russia and the Cook Islands. Each community are planning their own set of artifacts and activities so other New Zealanders can sample and enjoy some of the diverse cultural experiences these migrant communities have brought with them.

Visitors to the Migrating Kitchen Exhibition at Te Manawa (open 10 am-5 pm weekdays) will be able to study an especially prepared display about each of the participating communities and view a 10 minute film of each community. These introduce the families, who explain how they came to be in New Zealand, show food and cooking and how the local community get together for religious, cultural or social events that help keep some of their traditions alive. Three new filmsare currently being made for this event about communities that have not participated before in the Migrating Kitchen Exhibition.

Its all building up to a great six weeks of celebration of food and culture showcasing the rich contribution new migrant communities can make to Aotearoa/New Zealand.


The Migrating Kitchen @ Festival of the Elements was 'epic'

AtPorirua on Waitangi Day 6 Feb, ten communities cooked food, served favourite national dishes,gave cooking demonstrations and sold craft: Afghan, Burmese, Iranian, Italian, Japanese, Moroccan, Pacific, West &South African....and more

Recipes will be posted on the website
 More photos of the multi cultural day at the Festival of the Elements on Facebook

Migrating Kitchen 2011 DVD



  2009 & 2011 DVDs are now available for sale

An accessible, educational, entertaining resource that makes ethnic communities visible
 Joris de Bres, Race Relations Commissioner
 "Fascinating migrant and refugee stories: this DVD is an asset to any teaching programme"
  Margaret Tolland, Education Co-ordinator at Pataka

 Contact Anna - [email protected]

The Migrating Kitchen at Pataka, August & September 2011

Was regarded as 'the best ever!' after six weeks of fine food and fabulous entertainment.Â

Thanks to all the communities: Argentinean, Iranian, Japanese, South African, Tongan and Welsh.


The Argentinians treated visitors to empanadas, alfajores, and rice pudding, ending with a trio whose music had us tango dancing in the gallery.

Argentina Week Argentina Week Argentina Weel Argentina WeekÂ

Argentinian Tangos 1Â Â Argentinian Tangos 2Â Â Argentinian Tangos 3Â Â Tang
The previous week the Tongansat the Migrating Kitchen filled the Pataka gallery with beauty, joy - and generosity of spirit.
Then there was the feast which entertained and fed an overflowing gallery!

Migrating Kitchen entertained visitors at Wellington airport yesterday. We kicked off with Eddie Peterson and his group, Vuyisa - to bring joy in Xhosa, then Shahram Aryan's trio and the grand finale from the Tongan choir.

Tongan Choir at Wellington Airport

 The South Africans & the Welsh faced off before their big clash at the Cake Tin.


 TheWelsh Cuisine, Music, Arts and Crafts and then off to the airport to welcome their Welsh rugby team.Â

On stage: Bob Walker, John Simcox "A taste of Wales" Welsh Song with guitars Â
Visitors to gallery talking with Judy, admin assistant, and Mike Howard in white t-shirt on left Â
Visitors from Whitireia -  talking with Welsh volunteer, Lynne  Â
Kids paint the Welsh dragon
   More photos on Facebook

The Iranians entertained with music, Persian rugs, calligraphy, poetry and dance and of course, Iranian cooking and tasting.Â
Iran Week 3Â
Iran Week 1Â
Check out photos by Alden Williams
The MK exhibition kicked off with the
Japanese who entertained visitors this weekend with a beautiful Ikebana display,Â
a tranquil tea ceremony, then a cooking demonstration in the gallery with a tasty treat for everyone.
Tea Ceremony      Japan WeekÂ
More photos on Facebook

The Migrating Kitchen opened with the Welsh national anthem, which blew the last snow off Pataka Museum's roof. Visitors were entranced by the Iranian dancers, a melodic Tongan trio and stunning Argentine Tango dancers before the Mayor of Porirua Nick Leggett flung open the doors to the Migrating Kitchen exhibition and fabulous food from six ethnic kitchens.


         More photos on Facebook

Pataka Porirua Museum of Arts and CulturesÂ
Norrie Street Porirua, New Zealand map link ph 04 237-1511Â

Narooz - the Iranian New Year Celebrations

Narooz  Narooz    Narooz

The International Migrating Kitchen Craft Fair -Â 10 September at Pataka


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